We have survived numerous of colds, sniffles, fevers, flus and other illnesses that are included in the "day care plauge". Elric drags a lot of evil germs and icky stuff home three days a week.
We are all as well as we can be, and the boyz are slowly wearing us down, day by day, bit by bit they're making us lose the little grain of sanity we've got left. Just as it should be, we wouldn't wanna have it any other way.
Tyr (Cute Child): - Weeeee, lovely gruel, me hungry, YUM YUM gruuuuel!
Storm (Evil Skull Monkey): - Sheep...tasty...gRuEl YUMMY!!!
Tyr: - Heeeey, lay off my sweet gruel you freaky bird. Evil birdpoohead, clownface!
Storm: - Mohaha...Too late tiny...I got me sum GruuEEl, sweet mushy goo!
Ahh shoot, Mom never got me that rollcage for my birthday.
And Dad why didn't you change the tires?
I mean it's freaking winter for toys sake!!!

Hey guys, you look like you could need a hug.
Must be cold down there, let me help you up.

Guys, guyyys, where'd you go?
I need help...and a hug.
Yeah, you're really scary Dad.
Oh genepool horror, I'm doomed!
Think south of Europe, Italy or Greece, mythology themes are in this year.
Nah, nah, I know, I know.
Slice and dice...bring on the CHAINSAW Dad!!!
(All together now)

Victim #2 - Painfully pathetic and disturbingly cute in a freaky way.

Victim#3 - This years gift to my old friend LS, he liked it. That made my day :-)

Victim#4 - Evil plague, satanicly scarred, zombie, werewolfattack...this guy had it coming, must've upset the wrong people.

And every year we light up the dark with candles for the ones that's no longer with us.
For all our loved ones, we remember, and miss you.

And likes to help in anyway he can.

A great white shark, a lazy croc, a red submarine, and by golly,
a (gasp) Jack O' Lantern.

Yup a creative bunch we are.

Very creative indeed.
That's it for this special update. Hope you enjoyed some of our attempts to amuse humankind.
We're gonna keep having as much fun as we can, and enjoy life as it is and will be.
You cannot keep a bunch of wierdos down for long, we always pull through.
Take care you guys, and say hello to the rest of the family and friends.
We'll keep in touch.
Love - The Perssons
(Till alla våra vanliga läsare: gilla läget, engelska kan ni ;-) PEACE!!!